What is Security??

Security is a protection of all assets people,information,finances of an organisation.


Give 3 Categories of Security??

a) Security of information

b) Security of personnel

C) Security of finances


Why I want to be a Security??

just to minimize the crime and to make sure that their activities do not occur


When do you use two way radio??

You use it when there is an emergency situation.


Define may day??

Its an Emergency


Lst five equipment of Security??

a) Hand cuffs

b) Cellphone

C) Rdio

d) Paper spray

e) Tinder


What is the capital city of South Africa??



Give nine provinces of South Africa??

a) KwaZulu Natal

b) Gauteng

C) Mpumalanga

d) Limpopo

e) Northern cape

f) Eastern cape

g) Western cape

h) North West

I) Free State


Give 6 phonetic alphabets

a) Lima

b) Whisky

C) Alpha

d) India

e) Zulu

f) Sierra


Give one category of offence??



What is access control??

is a method or action taken to prevent people’s,animals, and objects from entering/leaving or being removed from a premises


Why and what is a pocket book in Security?

It’s a small sized book for immediate recording of information by security officer(to remind yourself the hours of duties and everything that happens on site)

Questions they ask when you r in the interview for Security

1,why do u think we must employ u

2.what is acces control

3.Name 7 registers for security 3 equipments that can b used for searching

5.What is MISS

6.Name 5 equipments u find in the control room

7.What r u looking for when u search the vehicle

8.when do we say someone has done a security breach

9.Name 5 security legislation or policy

10.what is the purpose of patrolling the premises


Let’s hear officers answer these questions which we will come across during an interview 💁🏿 i hope this helps

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